and all of sudden i miss everyone...

sudenly last night my ex' called and tell that she was in jogjakarta and wanted to meet after long time we not faced each other.its good time to fix my relationship with her. she wanted ride with my blue, and teribble happened, suddenly it wont work!!shit!!i left it and called my friend to pick us!what a misreable moment for her!!ngahahaa..^^
after i met her its stimulating my memory the time i spent with her, the good and the bad.while living with someone for years, one loses the interest to make mix cds. it seems silly when for the most part you share the same music collection, and he/she is going to hear what you are listening to anyway. i haven't made an honest to god mix cd in nearly a years, and it has been one of the things i have missed the most.

for the last two years i have been dragging selected songs into a folder .i basically hear 2-5 new albums a week, most of these i take one song from and put them in this folder. this went on and on for years, the folder unchecked. while separating cds out with my girl i happened to open this folder, and to my amazement found almost 8 or so gigs worth of an unsorted playlist. then i try to minimized the playlist into 2 cds...all of which have a pretty specific theme, inspired by the last two years of my life.

here s the playlist

CD 1
1.further seems forever - snowbirds and townies
2.patti austin - say that you loved me
3.the archies - sugar
4.everything bout the girl - didn't you know i was looking for love
5.dashboard confessional - stolen
6.death cab for cutie - i will follow you into the dark
7.jimmy eat world - hear you me
8.morrisey - almamater
9.christian bautista - colour everywhere
10.eighteen visions - tonightless
11.avenged sevenfold - seize the day
12.U2 - the sweetest things 80's - dari hati
14.aselin debison - once in every life
15.velvet underground - im sticking with you
16.duran duran - perfect day
17.smashing pumpkin - today
18.iggy pop - candy
19.MAE - all from everglow s album
*we used listen mae album all night long while everyone was sleeping

CD 2
1.sinnead o' connor - nothing can compare
2.unkwon artist - where do the broken heart go
3.unkwon artist - stand by me
4.death cab for cutie - someday you will be loved
5.misfits - saturday night
6.skid row - i remember you
7.the ataris - all you can learn is what you already know
8.keepsake - one season to late
*i listen it almost hundreds in first day i broke up
9.melly - gantung
10.the all american rejects - its end tonight
12.secondhand serenade - its over
13.copeland - choose the one who love you more
14.aiden - genetic design for dying
15.jimmy eat world - if you dont, dont
16.atreyu - the theft
17.honorary title - revealing to much
18.daniel powter - bad day

here' my fave pic

november...comes after october, just before december

its a rainy season!!unromantic rainy season for me...^^, cos i spent this season not with someone..hehehe.
rainy day everyday, the ground is wet, flu people are everywhere, and i dont feel like going out, its cold outside.ind still think this not a good time to do my task...^^.my cats asleep in the corner most of the time, that make me lazy to..hehehe...

heres come a new book by adachi mitsuru on the store called cross game!!kewl!!about childhood, time, and of course bout love! out of reach love..(or "kasih tak sampai")whahahaha,,,,i think every people ever feel the same way to, dont know when.^^.good book at the good moment!

errrr,,,,,,i dont know what i must, i put some old pic', not so good pic...^^

unbound the wild ride...

sebuah tulisan yang diberikan oleh teman saya, tentang review sebuah buku. belum pernah baca juga sih tapi dari review dan beberapa penjelasan dari teman saya yang juga seorang lulusan arsitek, cukup menginspirasi,,,semoga bermanfaat,,^^

Bagaimana tipe arsitek masa depan? Tentunya ini perlu diteropong masak2 terutama dengan melihat kecenderungan2 global. Dari beberapa fenomena yang mungkin bisa jadi dasar untuk memprediksi kebutuhan tipe arsitek masa depan, masalah lingkungan, keberlanjutan, penggunaan teknologi sebagai piranti bantu profesional, manajemen handal, serta pentingnya bahu-membahu dalam sebuah tim menjadi isu2 yang paling menonjol. Inovasi menjadi kata2 jitu untuk tak berhenti mengikuti perubahan yang begitu cepat, sekaligus memecahkan masalah dan menemukan hal2 baru. Proses inovasi ini didefinisikan sebagai sebuah laku kerja yang membuat semua menjadi berbeda.

Hal di atas juga menjadi inti buku “The Next Architect: A New Twist on the Future of Design” yang ditulis oleh James P. Cramer dan Scott Simpson. Keduanya aktif di Design Intelligence. Seperti resensi dari Jill Harmon dalam Forum Arsitek Muda-nya Amerika (mirip AMI?), Young Architect Forum yang ditulis hampir setahun lalu. Di situ Cramer dan Simpson menekankan perubahan2 dasar yang terjadi. Singkatnya, seperti yang dikemukakan mereka (yang keduanya bekas pengurus AIA), ada 14 kerangka dasar kecenderungan global yang akan menyetir perubahan profesi arsitek. Ke-14 “framework” itu, seperti yang dikutip sesuai aslinya, adalah:

(1) Integrated, collaborative design: “Owners, architects, engineers, consultants, and contractors will operate using a single technology platform that will enable and require all disciplines to work simultaneously and interactively,” the authors predict. (2) Design-build dominates: As the process of designing and building becomes more streamlined, owners are looking for a single entity to provide integrated services. (3) Globalization comes home: Traditional international borders are factoring less and less into the design process as all firms potentially now can practice globally and global firms now can practice locally. (4) Talent shortage: With fewer younger staffers following the baby boomers and other professional careers offering higher salaries, firms are looking to innovative ways to get and keep talented employees. (5) BIM technology sets a new standard: BIM is transforming design product from paper to an integrated database.

(6) Demographics is destiny: Baby boomers, the last generation born before the Digital Revolution, are having a huge effect on demographic trends as they approach retirement age and move from suburb to city, look to continuing-care retirement communities, and spend more money on travel and entertainment. (7) Productivity and performance: The digital revolution?3D and 4D CAD?are allowing architects to spend more time thinking and less time drawing. (8) The power of branding: You have a brand (your culture made manifest), whether you like it or not: “Strategic branding is the best antidote to the commoditization in the design professions,” the authors tell us. (9) Fast architecture: Using new technologies and management techniques, architects are discovering that speed is “not necessarily the enemy of quality”; and clients are demanding speed. (10) Designing the “design experience”: Clients are increasingly aware that the experience of using a building or space is increasingly important to their clients and users.

(11) Going green: Architects are uniquely positioned to work with politicians, business leaders, and the academy to advance the role of sustainable design. (12) Life-cycle design: New services and income streams for architects will evolve as clients recognize that there is no one better to help care for a building than the people who designed it in the first place. (13) High definition value: Architects are creating design value, not selling lines on paper, and therefore need to work on an expanded vocabulary to explain what they deliver. (14) Strategic optimism: Clients respond to that “can do” attitude, especially in a profession that always “has more answers than questions.”

Itu semua sangat mirip seperti yang diungkapkan Luebkeman dalam “Drivers of Change“nya yang ditulis di Design Intelligence, Agustus 2006 lalu. Dalam beberapa kesempatan Cramer dan Simpson (utamanya Cramer) menuliskan perubahan ini akan membawa arsitek dari tipe lama/saat ini (centralized control, solo artist, solving discrete problems, stable professions, monolithic infrastructure, anecdotal design star, linear processes, mixed media tech, dan design for average clients) kepada sebuah model baru/masa depan (hybrid networks, design teams, managing ongoing dilemmas, dynamic entrepreneurial profession, agile ad hoc infrastructure, integrated delivery team, simultaneous processes, BIM dynamic sharing, dan sesign with expert clients). Dari sini kira2 bisa diukur sejauh mana pendidikan yang disediakan untuk membekali calon arsitek itu perlu disesuaikan. Institusi pendidikan harus berjuang mencetak insan2 perubahan ini, yang disebut sebagai “the next architect: the person (or firm) truly energized by what`s ahead and willing to provide the energy, focus, commitment, and inspiration to make the frameworks happen.